The Art & Science of Story

The Story code™

Your new story lens


What is the Story Code™ System?

It’s a ground-breaking analysis system for stories that is different than any other. It is based on the work of Katherine Farmer who has spent the past 40 years researching and developing this remarkable system. We are Story Code™ trained and licensed and have developed the Ignite Story Lab to be the practical application of Katherine’s extensive research. We make it easy for writers, producers, directors and story-makers of all kinds to access and use the transformational concepts discovered in the research.

The Story Code™ addresses three levels of story:

Level One - Power Up Your Story - Level One is centered on the building blocks of stories: the characters and the functions they serve in the story. Characters are both the structure and heart of every story. At level one we learn the essential character functions that must exist for a story to be complete and focused. We also track the relationships and power dynamics that exist between the characters. Power and how it moves through a story was one of the most important findings to come out of the research.

Level Two - Connect With Your Audience - Level Two connects the story to your intended audience. Different kinds and types of stories (or genres) evoke predictable emotional responses from your audience. We listen to your goals: What are you trying to accomplish? What kind of story do you want to tell? How do you want your audience to feel at the end? An understanding of the subtle variants of stories helps us provide you with multiple tools to meet your goals. We open up the gateways that stand between you and your audience.

Level Three - Refine Your Story - Level Three includes plot patterns—how the story is told—and how different patterns are developmental. Level Three also looks at each movement, chapter, or scene to break down the parts of the whole. Looking at story on this microscopic level can reveal many ways to strengthen your story.

Working with a trained analyst, or learning the system in a class will change the way you look at story. Once you see the deeper inner workings of story, you will be empowered to make informed choices about your writing—choices that will help you reach your intended audience and your writing goals!

If the theories behind the Story Code™ System are interesting to you, we recommend, Katie’s textbook, Cracking the Story Code (publication pending.) But if you’re ready to get to work on your story, we can help! We’ve studied the theories so you don’t have to!

How can I become a Story Code™-licensed analyst?

If you want to dive in and learn the Story Code™ System for yourself, check out our Story Code™ System Classes. Once you have learned the three levels and practiced the analysis, you can sign up for the advanced master class from The Story Code™ LLC. Those who take the course and pass the exam can become Story Code™ licensed. You can get more information by contacting us.