The Art & Science of Story
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Can’t see the lightning for the flood of ‘expert’ opinions?

  • Confused how to end your story?

  • Ideas gathering dust?

  • Getting lost in the weeds?

  • Can’t stay focused?

  • Wanting to connect with your audience, but hearing nothing but crickets?

You have the power to fix your own stories—you just need a new lens to bring your story into focus. That lens is the Story Code™.

Five ways the Story Code™ will cut through the deepest depths of writer’s fog:

  • Discover the hidden power structures in stories and be able to wield that power to transform your story.

  • See characters on a deeper level and craft them with more clarity and purpose.

  • Understand the predictable ways audiences respond to stories and be able to elicit your desired emotion.

  • Know how to identify genre structurally and create the exact kind of story you want.

  • Identify and know how to use character-based story patterns to empower your writing with informed, intelligent choice.

    Are you ready to power up your stories?


Will you be our next success story?

trap tales: outsmarting the 7 hidden obstacles to success (wiley)

When we worked with Wendy, Amy, and Carla, we were totally blown away with their knowledge, perspective and recommendations. They helped us achieve epiphany breakthroughs that neither of us could see. Their work completely transformed our story.

David Covey, CEO of SMCOV and author

the elephant’s girl (random house)

The analysis I learned in Amy’s workshops pointed me directly to plot solutions I needed to finish my novel. I had been stuck on a crucial element at the climax that wasn’t yielding the ending I wanted. The workshop along with Amy White’s consultation made my options very clear. With the Story Code™ System, I could tell the story I wanted to tell and do it with intention, knowing how to get to the ending with the emotional resonance I had envisioned. My agent tells me that the emotional resonance of the ending is one of the reasons she offered to represent me… It gave me the direction and perspective I needed to finish my novel and land my dream agent.

Celesta Rimington, author

a slice of trust (Barrett Kohler)

My co-author, David Hutchens, and I engaged Wendy to review the manuscript for our business fable, A Slice of Trust: The Leadership Secret with the Hot and Fruity Filling. Even though we had extensive experience with organizational fables and bestselling business books, the thorough review we received from Wendy took a very good manuscript to great. If you’ve got a narrative text that needs to be its best, don’t hesitate or waste time fiddling with the manuscript. Call on the experts and let their skills shine! Plus, they’re really fun to work with!

Barry Rellaford, president, Great Work Worldwide, co-founder and master facilitator FranklinCovey Trust Practice


The difference between the almost right [story] & the right [story] is really a large matter—
it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning
— Mark Twain


What’s your story?

Here’s where you ask all your questions about how you can become a more powerful writer.

It’s okay. Speak up. We don’t bite.