The Art & Science of Story


What is Transcendence?

The word transcendence comes from the Latin prefix meaning “beyond” and the word scandare meaning “to climb.” ( It is discussed in philosophy, religion, psychology and has been studied by Aristotle, Kant, Maslow and more. In general, it means to achieve a state that is beyond or above the normal human condition or physical state. Kant said it’s unknowable. It is mystery.

For our work with the Story Code™, transcendence is a being or force that exerts power in a story that is above the normal realm of being and understanding. It is a powerful force that can change the destiny of the characters. Transcendence could be God or a God-like character, but it could also be anything that exists on a higher and more powerful plane than the human characters in the story. Transcendence can be included in all kinds of stories to all kinds of effects. Let’s look at some examples (clockwise from center top):

Avatar, 2009 film

The Na’vi people are sustained by a biological sentient force called Eywa. While winning the final battle, Jake Sully is mortally wounded. He is saved from death by entering the eye of Eywa which recreates him as an avatar.

Ben Hur, 1959 film

Disillusioned, Judah Ben Hur seeks healing from Christ, only to find him hanging on the cross. He is too late. But in the aftermath of Christ’s death, Judah’s heart is miraculously healed as is his mother and sister from leprosy.

Groundhog Day, 2009 film

We don’t know what traps Phil in a time loop, doomed to repeat the same day over and over again. Call it fate, or poetic justice. We call it “The Powers that Be.” Whatever it’s called, it is a transcendent force in his story.

Beauty and the Beast, 1991 animated film

The magic of the Enchantress, as embodied in the rose and the mirror, set the rules for the Beast’s curse and his deliverance. Thank goodness Belle provides the required ingredient: love. A magical crone or wizard is a common motif in many folk and fairy tales.

Cats, 1982 Broadway play

Old Deuteronomy, the cat, has the power to redeem one cat each year and send them to the “Heavyside Layer.” The thin story of this show is the choosing of the cat and the final scene is the ascension of Grizabella to the Heavyside Layer.

Wolfwalkers, 2020 animated film

Robyn gets to know a girl from a mysterious tribe of Wolfwalkers that have magical powers of healing. Robyn and her father join them and their magic and ability to become wolves thwart the bad guys and saves them all.

Ordet, 1955 Danish film

Johannes thinks he’s Jesus Christ and in a moment of crisis, he has so much faith that he is able to bring his sister-in-law back from death. His faith called down the transcendent power of God.

Arrival, 2016 film

When aliens visit the earth, a linguist, Louise, is called in to make sense of their language. She is eventually able to break the code and help the world see the aliens are bringing great knowledge to share—knowledge that helps Louise transcend time and fear.

Song of the Sea, 2014 animated film

Saoirse is a young girl and the last of the Selkies—someone who is both human and seal. She goes on an adventure, assisted by fairies where she heals the Owl Witch and learns to embrace her powers. Saoirse is part of the transcendent system.

Stay tuned the next two weeks, where we’ll look at more stories and reveal the patterns of transcendence through the Story Code.

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